all the best things in my life were delivered to me by the internet. I’ve met chosen family members via chance in a Facebook group I joined by random encounter on Twitter.
I work in tech due to Facebook ads for a free coding bootcamp.
I’ve made friends and lovers and found out people I thought close to me weren’t at all through a screen.
some people pray and I just… search online.
this isn’t to say I think everyone online is always good, quality, or true, hopefully obviously, but I really believe in the transformative power of technology in its broadest sense.
I am still trying to work out the edges of this belief, but on some level I think if it’s not online then it’s down to me. I need to say the right incantation or the search in the right corners, not that the information or solution literally doesn’t exist.
depending on my mood I joke and or say seriously that I’m a technopagan. I don’t just mean that in the bits and bytes sense, fire is a technology, etc
it makes sense to me that it should be revered, occasionally & fairly feared, as well being a source of joy and turmoil, like all the stuff of life.
it annoys me that Big Tech and tbh most of the industry act as if there is one way to do tech, as if they know the One True Path (“software evangelism” is too easy pickings to talk about lol).
“annoys” is too weak tbh, I really hate it. when I was a Christian I was told often it wasn’t Christlike to hate so I take advantage often lol.
“what has been wrought in innovation’s image??”
the deep magicks: which?