1. overwhelm online: we’re exposed to so much more info than ever before, and see so little of the sum total of it. FOMO/JOMO/our ancestors could never
  2. why is big tech sick of DEI?
  3. private vs public spheres and their confusion on social media
  4. social media vs social networks (we don’t have any social networks online)
  5. does social media use make you more likely to be mentally ill?
  6. does having a smartphone make you use your brain less, and is that bad?
  7. tech uses water. so. much. water.
  8. subsea cables vs satellite internet connection; why satellites can’t connect the entire planet
  9. ai and medicine seems to be the only good application of the technology- SIKE it seems like that’s just as bad (ai finding tumours cos there’s a big arrow so really it’s good at finding arrows??)
  10. ai and translation services destroying the industry
  11. ai and transcription services destroying the industry
  12. the good the bad and the ugly of uber (worldwide)
  13. enshittification (ugh)
  14. e-waste
  15. digital dark ages
  16. futurists: scam artists or visionaries?
  17. whatsapp back doors/security: why signal is the most secure messaging app
  18. are you secure online?
  19. are dating apps making dating worse?
  20. opsec for normal people
  21. join a tech union
  22. forever chemicals and tech manufacturing
  23. anger about “ai slop” sometimes kinda racist and classist?
  24. gps and the us military; entangled is not the half of it sadly
  25. genetic screening and the right to give away info about things that don’t just affect you
  26. access to the internet should be a human right
  27. digital accountability; who takes the fall when systems make an oops
  28. tech transparency; black boxes and why you shouldn’t need to be an expert to have a general understanding of tech
  29. tech enabled lack of work-life balance
  30. centralised tech knowledge and equipment in a few western hubs, outsourced development and equipment manufacture
  31. does intellectual property law help anything?
  32. copyright/copyleft
  33. cyberharassment enabled by social media sites? encouraged?
  34. the many flavours of online harassment, classified
  35. citizen journalism and the fall of twitter
  36. history of the theft of musician wages/ip by tech companies
  37. covid and its effects on the tech landscape
  38. online data tracking
  39. government mass surveillance (gchq and fbi agent memes)
  40. unequal footings at uni and school due to geographical and money based divides in digital resources available
  41. school and uni were unwilling to provide digital options for attendance for disabled students till they were forced to by the pandemic
  42. do we need a new spotify or is streaming just shit
  43. can we make the supply chains for our electronics completely ethical? (I have loads of notes for a video on congo and supply chains that never happened but i need to edit it before putting it in the garden lol)
  44. industry plants, industry plans: can streaming sites purposefully make a hit?
  45. wtf is digital citizenship; does it make sense?
  46. anti-capture technology
  47. what is technopaganism aka what does it mean to me
  48. citizen science and how the internet and tech have enabled and crushed it
  49. tech hasn’t made the business of fashion any less ugly
  50. digital landlordism
  51. our lives online; time, data, privacy
  52. internet archive
  53. what does facebook/google/etc have on you? who profits from your data?
  54. evisas, and the dawn of the id card; digital identity is…? e-visas????? safe? cheaper? what’s the benefit to gov and are there any for non-gov people?
  55. time zones are weird af - coding them is a nightmare i assume?
  56. sparkle emoji signfies ai; other examples of new symbolism
  57. fable and LLM oopsies
  58. digital footprints and linkrot